Monday, January 30, 2006
Hybrids getting green lights
Driving solo in car-pool lanes is more popular
By LISA MASCARO/MediaNews Group
If you've been thinking about buying a hybrid car so you can drive solo in California's car-pool lanes, this might be just the time to seal the deal.
The Department of Motor Vehicles reports the program is wildly popular, and officials are approving about 200 HOV access stickers a day. Once the state issues 50,000 decals - at the current rate, that could come in March - Caltrans will study whether the car-pool lanes have become too congested to allow access to any more solo drivers in hybrids.
If Caltrans' 90-day study determines that the car-pool lanes have become too crowded, it could shut down the program to new users as early as summer.
Hybrid owners who already have the bright yellow stickers are thrilled they got in on the perk before it slips away.
"It's probably shaved 15 to 20 minutes off of my commute, easily," said Doug Dearing, who drives 40 miles from Castaic to his job in Van Nuys. "I had been pretty excited about the prospect of getting that sticker right up front."
Since the program took effect last summer, the DMV has seen a brisk demand for the $8 decals needed to drive alone in the high-occupancy-vehicle lanes, which usually require at least two occupants.