Tuesday, December 30, 2003
Already, several studies have been completed:
* In March, California researchers reported that San Francisco-area women have three to 10 times as much chemical flame retardant in their breast tissue as European or Japanese women.
* Indiana University researchers reported at the same time that levels in Indiana and California women and infants were 20 times higher than those in Sweden and Norway, which recently banned flame retardant.
* The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention earlier this year released data from 2,500 volunteers tested for 116 pollutants and found such chemicals as mercury, uranium and cotinine, a chemical broken down from nicotine.
Check out this Greenpeace video summarizing the problem of global environmental change.
Friday, December 19, 2003
Dell Computer on Friday got a little greener with the announcement of a program designed to recycle consumers' outmoded notebook and desktop PCs.
The fee-based program, which will go into effect in September or October, will accept computers from any manufacturer, not just Dell. As earlier reported, it joins several other options for PC discards that the company offers through its DellExchange service.
The move is likely to provide some satisfaction to environmentalists and others who have been calling for the electronics industry as a whole to take greater responsibility for what's become known as "e-waste"--computers, printers, television sets, handheld gadgets and other devices that businesses and consumers have been tossing out in ever greater numbers in recent years.
Wind Farms
Giant wind farms planned to be placed off of the coast of Britain will provide up to 7% of the UK's energy needs by 2007.
Four companies won over $12 billion dollars worth of contracts including Royal Dutch/Shell proving that even oil companies realize that the future is in renewable energy.
The large contracts help bolster the case that a sustained investment in renewable energy and an end to the subsidies now given to nuclear, coal, and oil based industries could reap not only economic awards but also create technological innovation.
Read more about it here.
Monday, December 15, 2003
Thursday, December 11, 2003
April 28, 1997 - A semi-nomadic tribe called the U'wa, 5,000 strong, is making the ultimate threat - to commit mass suicide by leaping from a cliff - in an attempt to prevent Oxy from drilling for oil in what the U'was claim is their territory.
Wednesday, December 10, 2003
Wednesday, December 03, 2003
Some Businesses Take Initiative to Voluntarily Reduce Emissions
"a growing number of businesses are finding that they can cut emissions and enhance the bottom line at the same time. Many are pursuing much more ambitious greenhouse-gas reduction programs than the voluntary goals that the Bush administration favors."