Monday, January 31, 2005
Toyota, Honda leading but the race has a long way to go
Toyota, Honda leading but the race has a long way to go: "In October, Ford introduced the Escape hybrid, selling nearly 3,000 of the reduced-emission SUVs last year. Ford hopes to sell about 20,000 this year, said George Pipas, Ford's U.S. sales analysis manager.
'They certainly got started sooner,' Pipas said of Toyota and Honda. But 'apparently there is room' in the industry for other hybrid makers.
'I say that because we have hardly any hybrids waiting to be sold,' Pipas said. 'Every one that we build, when it's delivered to the dealer, is sold right away. So, there doesn't appear to be any lack of interest in the Ford product.'
Hybrid buyers are motivated mainly by environmental concerns such as vehicle emissions' contribution to global warming and respiratory problems. In some cases, they're also driven by technological adventurousness."
Friday, January 21, 2005
Checkbiotech.org: "In a special 48-page issue of the University of California's (UC) peer-reviewed California Agriculture journal (January-March 2005), scientists explore the range of alternatives to organophosphates currently available and look to the future.
One classic example of biological control - using natural enemies to keep insect pests in check - is the introduction of the vedalia beetle in 1889 (sic) to control cottony cushion scale, which was a major citrus pest at that time. The vedalia beetle has been so successful in controlling cottony cushion scale that it is now virtually taken for granted by growers.
The same is true of many other successful biological control agents. 'Growers are naturally concerned with pests that are causing crop damage, and are often unaware of those pests that are present in the crop system but held in check by the continued success of introduced biological control agents,' write Nicholas Mills and Kent Daane, co-directors of the Center for Biological Control at UC Berkeley. "
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Plastics created from orange peel
Plastics created from orange peel: "US scientists have discovered a way to make plastics from orange peel, using the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide.
Cornell University researchers created a novel polymer using CO2, an oil present in orange peel and a catalyst that speeds the reaction along.
The team hopes CO2 could one day be collected for making plastics instead of being pumped into the atmosphere."
Gadget growth fuels eco concerns
BBC NEWS | Technology | Gadget growth fuels eco concerns: "Technology firms and gadget lovers are being urged to think more about the environment when buying and disposing of the latest hi-tech products.
At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas earlier this month, several hi-tech firms were recognised for their strategies to help the environment.
Ebay also announced the Rethink project bringing together Intel, Apple, and IBM among others to promote recycling.
The US consumer electronics market is set to grow by over 11% in 2005.
But more awareness is needed about how and where old gadgets can be recycled as well as how to be more energy efficient, said the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Of particular growing concern is how much energy it takes to recharge portable devices, one of the fastest growing markets in technology."
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
A new generation paint stripper that is environmentally friendly and all purpose.
A new generation paint stripper that is environmentally friendly and all purpose.: "
/24-7PressRelease.com/ January 16, 2005 - Molecular-Tech Coatings Inc., an industrial coatings and paints manufacturer announces a new water-borne paint stripper technology, EFS-2500. The EFS-2500 paint stripper is designed as a replacement for hazardous methylene chloride based paint strippers.
EFS-2500 is an all purpose paint stripper that may be used universally on everything from military aircrafts, to building graffiti, to house restoration. This non-toxic, biodegradable paint stripper is so versatile, it may even be used on your own mountain bike. EFS-2500 does not contain methylene chloride, a common chemical in traditional paint strippers. All ingredients used in the formulation also comply with the U.S. EPA rules on emissions.
Although other similar environmentally products do exist, Molecular-Tech Coatings Inc., EFS-2500 paint stripper is unique due to the high quality job that it performs. EFS-2500 has been specially formulated to comply with today's strict VOC regulations and laws in Canada and the United States."
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
World's First Environmentally-Friendly Large-Size Plastic Housing for Notebook PCs
Fujitsu and Toray Develop World's First Environmentally-Friendly Large-Size Plastic Housing for Notebook PCs: "Fujitsu and Toray Develop World's First Environmentally-Friendly Large-Size Plastic Housing for Notebook PCs
Tokyo, Japan, Jan 13, 2005 - (JCN Newswire) - Fujitsu Limited (TSE: 6702), Fujitsu Laboratories, Ltd., and Toray Industries, Inc. (TSE: 3402) today announced their joint development of the world's first large-size notebook PC plastic housing made of plant-based plastic with low environmental burden. The new environmentally-friendly plastic is used in Fujitsu's 2005 spring model FMV-BIBLO NB80K notebook PC.
The three companies plan to expand on various applications for this plastic, thereby further contributing to a reduction in the environmental burden as well as lower consumption of petroleum resources.
In recent years, environmental issues such as ozone depletion, air pollution, environmental pollution, and rapid increase of industrial waste and toxic waste, have emerged worldwide. To address these problems, there is a need for the development of a recycling-based society. Currently, various environmental laws and regulations are being legislated on a global scale, to reduce burden on the environment. The IT industry is no exception to these trends, and in Japan, environmental awareness is on the rise with a number of environmentally-related laws that been passed: the Law on Promoting Green Purchasing (*1), the Law for the Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources (*2), and the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) Law (*3).
Use of fossil fuels, such as petroleum and coal, increases CO2 in the atmosphere and causes rapid spread of the greenhouse effect, resulting in an urgent need to reduce CO2 emissions.
Given these circumstances, there is increasing interest in applications of plastics created from plant materials, as an alternative to petroleum-based plastics which are limited in resource."
Monday, January 17, 2005
[ Computer Take Back Campaign ]
[ Computer Take Back Campaign ]: "More reasons why we're targeting Apple:
Apple gets a failing grade: Apple has done poorly on annual 'Report Cards' that evaluate computer companies based on their design of toxic-free products and on recycling of obsolete products."
We know that Apple can do better: Apple does a lot better in Japan and Europe by offering free computer recycling programs. Why can't Apple do the same as HP and Dell, and offer free, convenient US take-back of its products?
Sunday, January 16, 2005
Green Home Environmental Products
Green Home Environmental Products: "Europeans who visit America find much to marvel at, but there's always room for quiet astonishment at the top-loading washing machines which, while easier on the back than front-loaders, waste copious amounts of water, wear out clothes prematurely, leave them wet and, to a European eye, dingy.
Americans have used top-loaders since the days of the hand-cranked wringer machines--but that's changing. A host of appliance makers, from European companies like Asko to U.S. standbys like Maytag and Amana, are invading the American market with water-efficient, high-speed front loaders that cost more up front but can save up to $100 a year in utility bills. At the same time, the laundry room is steadily becoming more environmentally safe with detergents and bleaches that are kind to the groundwater-and to clothes as well.
John Morrill of the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) says the industry is motivated by the possibility of new federal government regulations. 'But energy efficiency is a strategic direction for some companies, even without a national standard,' he says.
Top-loading machines fill with water and use an agitator to circulate the clothes. Front loaders spin on a horizontal axis (like laundromat machines), and use a third less water, a third less heat energy, and a third less detergent. That efficiency has some drawbacks: European machines traditionally have smaller capacities and take more time to cycle than their American competitors.
Both those problems are addressed in machines like the Maytag Neptune ($999), which has the largest capacity (2.9 cubic feet) of any washer currently on the market. What's more, washing times are competitive with top-loaders, and 30 percent more water is extracted to shorten drying times. The Neptune reduces water use by 40 percent and energy use by 65 percent.
Amana's Stainless Steel washer ($1,999) should stand up to a lifetime of heavy-duty use; it claims the fastest spin speed of any domestic front-loader, meaning that clothes will need only light drying, saving electricity and time. The Gallery from Frigidaire ($799) is the most affordable front-loader."
Saturday, January 15, 2005
CET: Natural Light Tubular Skylights
Tubular Skylights are energy efficient high performance lighting systems that are cylindrical in shape and are designed to light rooms up with natural sunlight. A small clear collector dome on the roof allows sunlight to enter into a highly reflective "light pipe" that extends from the roof level to the ceiling level. The light pipe is coated with a silver finish mirror quality that allows the full spectrum of sunlight to be channeled and dispersed evenly into a room through the means of a diffuser located in the ceiling.
CET: Natural Light Tubular Skylights: "Natural Light Tubular Skylights
The Original Tubular Skylight is Still The Industry's First Choice"
Solar refrigerators
I found this solar powered refrigerator through the busy person's guide to greener living.
CET: SunDanzer Solar DC Refrigerators and Freezers - Battery Free and Battery Powered
Thursday, January 13, 2005
Why the Sun seems to be 'dimming'
Why the Sun seems to be 'dimming': "It was only recently, when his conclusions were confirmed by Australian scientists using a completely different method to estimate solar radiation, that climate scientists at last woke up to the reality of global dimming.
My main concern is global dimming is also having a detrimental impact on the Asian monsoon ... We are talking about billions of people
Dimming appears to be caused by air pollution.
Burning coal, oil and wood, whether in cars, power stations or cooking fires, produces not only invisible carbon dioxide - the principal greenhouse gas responsible for global warming - but also tiny airborne particles of soot, ash, sulphur compounds and other pollutants.
This visible air pollution reflects sunlight back into space, preventing it reaching the surface. But the pollution also changes the optical properties of clouds.
Because the particles seed the formation of water droplets, polluted clouds contain a larger number of droplets than unpolluted clouds.
Recent research shows that this makes them more reflective than they would otherwise be, again reflecting the Sun's rays back into space.
Scientists are now worried that dimming, by shielding the oceans from the full power of the Sun, may be disrupting the pattern of the world's rainfall.
There are suggestions that dimming was behind the droughts in sub-Saharan Africa which claimed hundreds of thousands of lives in the 1970s and 80s."
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
WorldChanging: Another World Is Here: Breakthrough in Paint-On Solar
WorldChanging: Another World Is Here: Breakthrough in Paint-On Solar: "A quantum dot may be tiny, but this development has the potential to be quite big.
Researchers at the University of Toronto have developed a new form of photovoltaic material using 'quantum dots' -- confined sets of electrons with unusual optical and electronic properties -- embedded into a thin polymer film. The material can generate the photoelectric effect using infrared light, and is the first photoelectric polymer to have significant infrared sensitivity. When working across infrared and visual spectra, it has a photoelectric efficiency of 30% -- six times better than other polymer photovoltaics. 30% efficiency would make quantum dot polymer solar cells competitive with traditional silicon-and-glass panels, and far more functional. Quantum dot polymer material could be used in device cases, and Ted Sargent, one of the researchers responsible for this development, claims that the material could readily be spray-applied or painted on."
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Monday, January 10, 2005
Voltaic Backpack, Solar Backpack, Solar Bag
If you insist on staying connected while camping . . . this may be for you.
Great for iPods, cameras, everything except laptops.
Voltaic Backpack, Solar Backpack, Solar Bag
[via Eric]
Saturday, January 08, 2005
Environmental Software
There are a number of Environmental Software packages on the market listed here at Environmental Expert.
Green Home Environmental Products
Green Home Environmental Products has a number of environmentally friendly products. I've highlighted their home improvement products which include adhesives, flooring, heating and air conditioning, finishes and seelers, paint and stains, solar power, plumbing and even smoke detectors.
Home Power Magazine - Your Small Scale Renewable Energy (RE) Source
Home Power has a list of the top 10 green building products. They also have a nice feature on solar-electric basics.
Home Power Magazine - Your Small Scale Renewable Energy (RE) Source: "Green Building Products
Whether it’s for environmental, political, or health reasons, many homeowners today are turning over a new leaf and building green. Besides producing their household’s electricity from renewable energy sources like the sun and wind, many are incorporating natural, recycled, or reclaimed building products into their home’s design and construction.... more
Congress to weigh global tsunami system
MSNBC - Congress to weigh global tsunami system: "Sen. Lieberman proposes U.S. develop, fund warning mechanism
Not exactly related to household environmental technologies, but clearly this is needed.
Only three years ago the Hawaii-based Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, run by NOAA, got a half-dozen sensors to transmit tsunami data in the Pacific that could be relayed by satellite to scientists.
Klaus Toepfer, executive director of the Kenya-based U.N. Environment Program, said Thursday that setting up a tsunami early warning system for the Indian Ocean is a high priority, especially to protect small island nations. He said several countries were asking for U.N. help to study how to do it."
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
Press Releases December 2004 - Environmental Issues Emerging from Wreckage of Asian Tsunami - United Nations Environment Programme
Press Releases December 2004 - Environmental Issues Emerging from Wreckage of Asian Tsunami - United Nations Environment Programme
UNEP earmarks US $1 million for environmental needs assessments
Nairobi, 30 December 2004 – As the Asian earthquake and tsunami death toll is now feared to be approaching 100,000 people, emergency humanitarian assistance remains the top priority, but urgent environmental concerns that threaten human health must be addressed, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) said today.
Cell Phone Recycling Guide
Cell Phone Recycling Guide:
Phone Scoop has published a usefull Cell Phone Recycling Guide. [via Engadget]
Why recycle? 'Experts estimate 55-100 million mobile phones will be retired this year. Despite the growing number of phones being recycled year after year, it is still less than 5% of replaced handsets. Unfortunately, far more (about 25%) are estimated to wind up in the landfill. The rest are handed down or laid to rest in a closet or drawer.'"
Calif. passes cell phone recycling bill | CNET News.com
Calif. passes cell phone recycling bill | CNET News.com: "A new California law mandates the recycling of old cell phones at no cost to the consumer.
The legislation, signed into law this week by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, requires companies that sell mobile phones to recycle returned handsets.
State assembly member Fran Pavley, who proposed the new law, said existing recycling programs run by cell phone service providers take care of only about 5 percent of obsolete phones."
Help people and the planet
Find the nearest drop off location for your cell phone through our drop off locator, just input your zip code below.
Virginia Used Cell Phone Collection Locations for used cell phone donations
Down in the comments, 'Anonymous' asks, "Where can I recycle my old cell phone?"
I imagine that quite a few people got new phones over the holidays so here are some links.
This site has a link on the left for used cell phone collection sites around the country, just click on your state.
Virginia Used Cell Phone Collection Locations for used cell phone donations