Friday, January 23, 2004
From 2 minutes a day:
Use a pressure cooker where possible instead of conventional pots.
Not only do they save time, but also energy. Last night I had brown rice in 15 minutes!
Bonus: more vitamins per vegetable, delicious one-pot meals, last-minute suppers in a flash.
May I recommend this model?
Here are some facts with credible sources on both sides of the
political landscape
Fact 1: The State of the Union outlines the nations major issues and
political agenda for the upcoming year.
Fact 2: 37 minutes of Pres. Bush's 58 minute speech was devoted, in
some way, to the Adminstrations efforts to combat terrorism/ search
for weapons of mass destruction
Fact 3: The US has pledged $66,000,000,000 dollars on troops in Iraq
and $20,000,000,000 on reconstruction efforts. (source:
Fact 4: Recently, the 500th US combat casualty occured (source:
Fact 5: Clearly, Terrorism is the Adminstrations #1 issue
Fact 6: Tragically, there were 3,034 lives lost in 9-11 WTC
attacks. In the last two years a grand total of less than 4000 lives
have been lost worldwide due to terrorism
Fact 7: In report published last month in Environmental Health
Perspectives, 170,000 American lives in 2004 alone with be lost to
environmentally related illness associated with particulate matter
(mostly from coal/diesel) less than 10 micrometers in diameter. AND
THIS IS ONLY 1 type of (REGULATED!!!!) pollutant.
I hope you all start seriously looking at how this Adminstration
effects you, your family, and friends, and how they value the average
American life. I focus on one type of issue, but there are many
other places that your money could be spent, etcc..
Please start thinking unbiasly about your 2004 vote!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2004
Wednesday, January 14, 2004
From 2 minutes a day:
Take your own shopping bags to the grocery store. The co-op here in Durham is great about this, you can even bring your own containers.
"Someday, we are going to have ‘clean energy,'" states Mills. "Failure to achieve clean energy is human suicide. Ozone depletion, acid rain, global warming, and asthma-causing air pollution are killing people every day. It is only going to get worse in the future," Mills asserts.
Sunday, January 04, 2004
From Two Minutes a Day for a Greener Planet.
Turn down the temperature on your water heater.
A setting of about 50 degrees C or 122 F is adequate. If you're going on holiday for a week or more, set it at low, or "vacation" (pilot light only) setting. Better yet, buy a solar powered water heater.